What is a Bunch Sprint?

A bunch sprint is a term used in cycling to describe when the race ends with almost all contestants in contention for the win via a massive sprint for the line from the peloton. Typically it indicates that there was no breakaway, or the breakaway was caught and the entire peloton is in contention.
While the term can be used to describe when a large enough group goes off the front and all of those riders sprint for the line, the term is most often used to describe the latter.
Bunch sprints will usually have their teams "lead out" their best sprinters and attempt to place them in the best position for the win.

You'll often hear that stages are "bunch sprint" stages. That is an indication that given the course profile, it's likely the stage will result in a bunch sprint. The other possibility is that a breakaway stays away, doesn't get caught, and those select riders jockey for position on the line. But on flat stages this is usually not the case.