Tour of Guangxi 2023 Betting Favourites

Level: UWT
Total Stages: 6
Sprint Stages: 3-5
Slight Climbs: 1-3
Alright. We were a little late to the party on this one. Blame is on Canadian Thanksgiving. Or the fact that we didn't actually think they'd offer up odds. But we're starting to understand that when enough sprinters are hitting the race, or INEOS is, - that odds will be offered up. Good ol' Britons and their sports betting.
Regardless - Viviani took the first stage in what has been a much improved end of season performance bump by him - beating out the likes of Kooij and Bennett.
Overall odds haven't changed much since stage one took place. But we're a little surprised given that in our opinion just one of these stages (Stage 4) can't boil down to a bunch sprint.

But then again, Enric Mas won the 2019 edition by simply winning that one stage. Which is kinda a classic issue with stage races where the one hilly finish defines the whole course.
Will 3.3km @ 6.6% be enough of a climb to form a decent gap for the rouleurs to gain enough seconds on the sprinters? We're unsure. There's a lot of bonus seconds on the finishing line for the top three sprinters (10,6,3). If one individual sprinter keeps cleaning up they may have a shot.
In terms of value, remember sprinters (like Viviani) who haven't had the best form early season but seem to be shaping up nicely in the tail end. A lot of the other sprinters are winding down or switching teams and just simply aren't as motivated - which is key for sprinters.
Overall for GC it's been heard that Education First have to take the race seriously - and they've brought a pretty calibre squad with the likes of Chaves and Carthy. Carthy, Uran or Chaves could make a serious dent on stage 4 - but potentially not enough in our opinion.
And while we like Michael Leonard as Canadians - he has not had a good year at all - let's leave it at that 😂
Apparently there's some value in Sven Erik Bystrøm - but we're not exactly seeing it. Maybe though.
Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6