Eschborn-Frankfurt 2023 Favourites

Eschborn-Frankfurt 2023 Favourites
Eschborn - Frankfurt 2023

Race Country: Germany
Startlist: Link

Eschborn-Frankfurt, also known as the Frankfurt Grand Prix, is an annual "semi classic" cycling race in Germany, held annually on 1 May, national Labour Day in Germany.

It, at it's core, is a sprinter's race similar to Scheldeprijs earlier in the season. Expect the big names there like Cavendish, Bennett, Philipsen and Kristoff. Bora always makes a strong push to bring strong riders given the team's German heritage.

Favourites & Picks

Like we noted we're expecting a strong push from Bora Hansgrohe to win, specifically with Bennett. Bennett took the crown last year, but Kristoff has won four other times and is of course a strong candidate.

We're not huge fans of placing money on sprints, there's too much variability unless the team has an excellent lead out. But no team has really shown a remarkable and consistent lead out train lately.

From a value pick perspective we'd prefer to take Arnaud De Lie who isn't necessarily thought of as a true sprinter but may try an early push and not incur the usual bunch finish.